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Chainsaw Symptoms Table

SymptomLikely CauseFix
Chainsaw Won’t StartIgnition offTurn On
Fuel emptyFill
Choke OffTurn On
Air filter dirtyClean
Spark plug foulClean
Spark plug poor gapGap plug
Fuel contaminatedDrain fuel
Blocked gas filterReplace
Carburetor dirtyClean
Carb out of adjustmentAdjust
Spark arrester dirtyClean
Coil faultyTest
Ignition system faultInspect
Carburetor faultInspect
Shear key brokenInspect
Compression IssueTest
SymptomLikely CauseFix
Engine Starts Then StopsNo gasFill
Bad gasDrain fuel
Faulty gas cap/ventTest
Spark plug foulClean
Ignition system faultInspect
Carburetor dirtyClean
Carbu gaskets wornReplace
Carburetor faultyInspect
Spark arrester dirtyClean
SymptomLikely CauseFix
Engine Won’t Hot StartIncorrect start procedureNo-choke
Coil faultyTest
Vapour lockedTest
FloodingDry out
Spark plug foulingClean
Spark plug poor gapGap plug
Piston & bore damageInspect
SymptomLikely CauseFix
Primer Bulb Won’t FillWorn diaphragmReplace
Cracked fuel linesReplace
Perished primer bulbReplace
Blocked gas filterReplace
SymptomLikely CauseFix
Won’t Cut StraightChain uneven wearReplace
Bar wornReplace
Chain Comes LooseWorn rim driveReplace
Wrong chain pitchInspect
Damaged chainReplace
Worn bar sprocketReplace
Chain Won’t OilFilter blockedClean
Tank vent blockedClean
Bar groove blockedClean
Bar oil hole blockedClean
Oil line brokenReplace
Chain & Bar SmokingOiler not workingInspect
SymptomLikely CauseFix
Pull Cord Won’t CatchWorn pawlsReplace
Pull Cord BrokenCord snappedReplace
Pull Cord StiffEngine faultInspect
Pull Cord SnapsShear key brokenReplace

Symptoms Alphabetically